Midwifery Care.

What is a midwife?

A midwife is an expert in facilitating normal birth.

A midwife is a healer, who uses holistic and allopathic remedies to support wellness.

A midwife is a friend, who gets to know your family and support your unique desires.

Prenatal Care

Our midwives see pregnancy and birth as a natural event. This believe leads the way on how we handle you and your care at all phases.

At prenatal appointments we have a few goals.

  • Get to know you and your family.

  • Give advice and support to make your pregnancy healthy and comfortable.

  • Monitor both your baby and your own health.

  • Educate and support you on your options.

We meet these goals by utilizing homeopathics, herbal remedies, body works, nutritional counseling, laboratory testing, ultrasound, and so much more.

We meet for 45-60 minutes in the comfort of our office located in Ramona Ca.

Prenatal meetings are typically every 4 weeks through 28 weeks of pregnancy, every 2 weeks through 36 weeks of pregnancy, then weekly until the birth of your baby. 

Labor and Birth

You will be attended by Brielle Rainney, a second licensed midwife, and a trained assistant midwife. All of whom you will have had the opportunity to meet and connect with prior to your birth.

At your birth your team is there from active labor, during your birth, and until you and your baby are both thriving in the immediate postpartum.

At your birth the team will monitor you and your baby, make advice for your comfort and safety.

We are there to reassure, guide, comfort, and support your birth wishes.

Postpartum Care

After the birth of your baby your midwife will continue to see both of you in the postpartum.

No need to go anywhere for the first few weeks. Your midwife will return to your home at around 24-48 hours after birth, at around 1 week. And then continue seeing you in the office for up to 8 weeks. At these appointment your midwife will continue monitoring both you and your baby’s recovery, and transition to this new phase of life.

Your midwife’s goal is to ensure that you are both healing and recovering well from birth. She can assess any challenges with breast feeding, your physical and emotional recovery, and make recommendation before anything becomes a problem.

In addition to these in person visits your midwife is still on call available by phone at any time in the postpartum.

Water Birth

Many of our clients choose to have water births. Some find the water to be very comforting, and help with the physical discomfort of labor. Some people choose to give birth in the water, while others use the water just for laboring in.


Although East County Midwives is not considered in network providers, we do offer a Verification of Benefits (VOB) before starting care. The VOB will tell us what your insurance will cover.

Most PPO plans will cover a large portion of your home birth.


If you’ve had a cesarean and are seeking a VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Cesarean), we want to ensure that you are a really great candidate for a HVBAC (Home Vaginal Birth after Cesarean). We recommend you call us, ideally with your cesarean records, so we can discuss your history and options for care.

Ready to start Care?